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There I was, partnering with the devil as he lied to me about everything I'm not and all of the things I do wrong. Jeesh. Finally, I put on my big girl pants, remembered the truth, and then I laced up my gloves to fight! Funny thing is, when I got into the ring, the devil was knocked down on the floor, K.O'd! Hallelujah!!! Then, I asked God to forgive me for my weakness. Which he did. 🥰Then He reminded me of this verse "...Gods power is made perfect in our weakness." (1 Corinthians 12:9) He's also reminded me that all of our heroes in the bible had moments of weakness, but God is faithful, and he rises us up from the ashes!

This life is full of challenges, Jesus said it wouldn't be easy, but he promised he would never leave or turn his back on us. Sometimes we are barely able to keep our heads above water, we have to remember there is a life preserve around our neck! Helloooo! Ding, ding. Jesus!!!! 🥳🎊🎉

So, if you are having a weak moment, it's time to pull up them big girl/ boy pants. Cast that enemy out, ask forgiveness for your weakness and let God love on you!

Jesus, we love you. We thank you for today! Thank you for being strong in our weakness. Thank you for untying our wings so we can soar! When the enemy is talking trash, help us to know it's the enemy. Remove our blinders. Remove our earmuffs so we can hear your words clearly, Father God. Thank you for defeating the serpent (the enemy). Thank you for giving us the authority and power to step on his head. Help us to use it! Thank you for never leaving us. Help us to feel your presence in our daily lives. Help us to actively search for you. Father God, move you spirit over our lives, the lives of our children, our family and all those we encounter. Let loose your spirit God. Give us all of the spiritual gifts! We love you. By the power of your spirit, on earth as it is in Heaven, in Jesus' name, Amen!


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