We are His hands and Feet
This is a long one. As usual. ☺ Its about some PAST satanist (I proclaim it!), a young beautiful girl (🤣 #me) and a divine intervention.
Sometime ago I saw a couple walking from a stranded car. I felt an overwhelming urge to stop and help them, even though they looked a little shady, there was hazy rain and I was in a hurry to get home to do nothing. 🤣 My head said no but my heart said yes. So, I decided to listened to my heart because the pull was so strong. (I've not listened before and it hurt my spirit, that's another story!😶)
The story 📖 : I pulled up and asked if they needed help, they said yes. They asked if I would drive them to the store so they could get some sugar for their diabetic grandma who was pulled over in the car and was unable to drive due to sugar levels. As I listened, I couldn't help but notice they had on pentagram jewelry, dark makeup and dark nails. But, I trusted that this was a divine intervention. So, I told them to hop in. Upon reaching the store, the woman started freaking out and said she couldn't find her bank card. Thankfully, I had cash (I never have cash) and gave her what I had to buy the needed items. Then, I drove them back to the car and I began helping them look for the missing bank card, which we never found. As I turned around to see if they found it, they got in their car and sped off. 😳 #weird I just accepted it for it was. No alter call. No miracle. Just me helping someone in need. I told God this was for Him and thanked Him for using me. Eventhough, I didn't really understand why He would stop me for this interaction. Though, I did pray for them while they were in my truck, when they left and every time they pop into my head. #ilovethem
As I remembered that situation today, I asked God to help them again. Then I heard that oh so soft whisper say, "I did, I sent you." 😭😭😭
I think sometimes we expect fireworks, trumpets and choirs. Sometimes we just want to vomit Jesus all over people. #me But, sometimes God is using us in whatever situation he puts us in. Sometimes, people just need us to shut our big mouths and open our ears and hearts to them. I don't know those people, but I can say I truly love them. Jesus opened my heart to them and I could see them the way He sees them. Beautiful children of God, my brother and sister.
So, next time you feel the nudge just accept it for what it is. A Jesus moment. Even if it doesn't feel like it. We are His hands and feet. ❤🥰