Promotion to Heaven
The 22nd was the three year anniversary of my Dad's promotion to Heaven. Try as he might, the enemy tried to put me in a dark place, but I refused to submit! Why? Becasue I know the truth! The truth is, my Dad is not "dead" but more than alive! He is dancing with our Father down streets of gold. He is better than ever becasue all the mess of this world is gone (the enemy, sickness), he is completely and fully at peace in joy. Now that's a reason to celebrate! Not only that, but we have the hope that one day, we will be reunited dancing down streets of gold together. Holla at your girl! Since the enemy couldn't get me on the 22nd, the day after he reminded me of the promotion of my Mom to Heaven 3 months after my Dad, followed by
my close friend. He's trying to gain a foothold! I refuse to submit! I know the TRUTH! The truth has a name, and it's Jesus!
So, no matter the season you are in, do not submit to the enemy. Do not entertain the thoughts he puts in your head! Rebuke them!* He is evil and wants to see you defeated. But, our heavenly Father wants us to be raised up and conquer! Haaachaaaaa! Now, that's a good, good Father. 🥰👍🫶 Jesussssss!
Father God, we love you so much. Thank you for today. Thank you for making us conquerors! Thank you for pulling us out of the darkness. Thank you for giving us hope and a future! Thank you for giving us life everlasting with you! Thank you Jesus, for giving us life through you. Holy Spirit, help us to recognize the enemies tactics so we can shut him down, in Jesus name! Help us to remember that you are a good Father and you only want the best for your kids. Give us strength and endurance to overcome any obstacles the enemy shoots at us. Thank you for the people that you've put in our lives, help us to cherish them. You're so good. We love you so much. By the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name, on earth as it is in Heaven, Amen!
*Rebuke the words of the enemy by speaking out loud "leave now, in Jesus name." Keep doing it until the voices or thoughts are silenced.