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Mouse Ears?


This story starts and ends with ears. Mouse ears to be exact. If you know me, you would know that I was the Disney go to girl. I knew all things Disney. I had the popcorn buckets, collectibles, ears, medals, movies, bags, clothing, etc. I was part of the clubs, the passes, the members, etc. I've had many fun celebrations at the mouse parks and visited frequently.

God has been doing a major work in me. Just when I thought I was almost done...(not really) He's been peeling me layer by layer, with my permission and at my request, of course! Well, I thought the other layers were this.

God showed me my relationship with the mouse was an idol. Yes, you heard me! An idol! Idols are not just in the Old Testament, they are in OUR testament! As I began to discuss this with God, I looked around at my surroundings and there was mouse ears of some kind plastered everywhere. Everywhere! But worst of all, it had a place in my heart. It was taking me away from God and it was filling spaces that only God should fill.

The enemy puts things in our lives to get us to turn away from God and to distract us. They seem innocent enough until they start to fill every space in our homes, our workplace, our lives and in our hearts. I challenge you, evaluate what you surround yourself with. Do you want to be known as that person? Then, ask God to show you if it needs to be removed and if it is an idol. I don't want to be known as a Disney girl, I want to be known as a godly woman. Was this removal hard? Absolutely. Was it worth it? Absolutely. Absolute freedom!

Father God, we love you! Thank you for today. Forgive us for the idols that we have put into our hearts. Help us to realize they have taken space in our lives. Lord let your spirit, pluck them out! Thank you for being gentle and patient as you show us. I cast out any demonic attachment the articles have over us. I tell the enemy to take a hike all the way back to hell. Help us to see with your eyes, Lord. Holy Spirit purify us, purify our hearts so we yearn for you above all else. Help us to wake up with you and end our day with you, God. You're so good! Thank you for opening our hearts, minds and eyes! Give us a mind of Christ! We give you everything we have, everything we are and our future. Holy spirit, guard our minds and our hearts so the enemy cannot penetrate them! Help us to make choices pleasing to you so we do not open any demonic doors! By the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name, on earth as it is in Heaven, Amen! Amen. Amen! 


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