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 A creditor just knocked on my door and showed me a yellow invoice. He waved it in my face and told me quite convincingly, that the debt I accumulated needed to be paid immediately!!!! If it wasn't taken care of that instant, the creditor was going to take everything I had and own me!!!

Huh??? Then, annoyed, I looked at the invoice and remembered all of those debts had been paid!!!! What a liar! The debts had been forgiven!

Yes, the collector is the enemy! He is always trying to remind us of what we owe. Our Heavenly Father wants to remind us, he paid those debts! He sent his son Jesus! Not for any other reason, just because he loves us. He expects nothing in return, He just loves us that much!

Father God, we love you! Thank you so much for today! Thank you for sending your son to pay our debts. Jesus, thank you for giving your life willingly so we can know you and Father God! Holy Spirit, help us hear your voice when that dirty enemy tries to remind us of our past mistakes. Father God, help us hear your voice that tells us, those debts have been paid and we are now children to the most high God! We love you! In Jesus name, by the power of the Holy Spirit, on earth as it is in Heaven! AMEN!

If you haven't been forgiven and want to be, just ask Jesus! It's only a heavenly phone call away! If you would like help with the words, message me. If you want prayer, message me. Love you family!


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