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Can you hold me???

Elissa Cason

Can You Hold Me: by NF (Feat. Britt Nicole)

What can make me feel whole again? What can fill this void I feel in my life? How can I be truly happy? Everyone is guilty of asking one or all of these questions at some point in their life. I have come to notice everyone looks to earthly things to fill the void in their life, when they should be looking above. We say things like “Well I will just go out tonight, because alcohol makes me happy and fills the void, or well I just need to be with this person and he/she will make me feel happy and whole.” We say and do all things to try to find peace and joy only to wake up the next day in the same position feeling the same way. Some of us would rather feel lonely and afraid then surrender to God, when all he wants to do is put His arms around you and show you His unfailing love. We go to a church once and expect to be filled up and happy, when that is not how things work.

People expect when you’re drunk on the corner yelling and crying for God to help you that it should happen right there, when He works in His time, and not yours. Everyone expects for God to fill holes and heal them, but not changing anything in their lifestyle. God gave his only Son for

us, why aren’t we willing to give up EVERYTHING for Him? We should be willing to give up everything and anything for Him, but in a society where material things are so important to everyone we find this so challenging. Everyone struggles with this, when we shouldn’t. We look

for these material things to fill the holes in our hearts, but we should be surrendering everything to our God who just wants to hold and love us.

This song speaks so much truth, as many of us have cried out to God to just hold us. Everyone wants to make it on their own without asking for help from anyone, but we need to humble ourselves before God, as he only wants the best for us. It hurts our Fathers heart when we are

hurting, He wants so badly to fill us. “It feels like a tear in my heart like a part of me missing and I just can’t fill it, I’ve tried and I’ve tried”. These are the opening lyrics to this song, if this is how you feel, cry out to Him, ask for Him to wrap His arms around you, and that you’ll be able

to feel how strongly and deeply He loves you. You do not have to be lonely and broken, God wants to restore you, and want to see you happy and whole. Surrender to Him, there is a God shaped hole in all of us and only He can fill it.

Colossians 2:9-10, “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.”

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