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Enough! (True Beauty)

Melissa Cason

I'm so tiered of this world telling me I'm not enough! I'm not smart enough, I'm not pretty enough, I'm not thin enough, I'm not tall enough, ENOUGH! God made me just the way I am. Beautiful. Smart. Daughter to the King. Stop using filters to change your beautiful faces! Stop using photo editing to change your appearance! Stop tilting your phones to avoid double chins......guilty. lol YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. JUST THE WAY YOU ARE. LOVE YOURSELF. SEE YOURSELF THE WAY GOD SEES YOU. You are so beautiful to him. On bad hair day, he thinks your gorgeous. On sweat days, he thinks you're to die for. Seriously. Father, let us see ourselves the way you see us. Help us to love ourselves and not be swayed by the world's standards. #daddyslittlegirl #truebeauty#ENOUGH

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