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Big Girl

Melissa Cason

I've always been a bigger girl, I think I was pushed out 150 lbs. drinking slim fast. LOL I've struggled with this my entire life, I've done every diet, I've done every workout program, I've tried every weight loss drink and program. But, I could never fit into anything single digits and I've been embarrassed by my weight. Very recently, I decided I wouldn't care about it anymore. I was going to give it to God, love myself and love those around me. I still want to be healthy and strong, I want to scale the rock climbing wall with my son. :)

So, as you may know, I've started a workout program 4 days a week at The Cloud. We've only met 3 days this week, and God is opening so many doors. For the first time in my life, instead of saying why did you give me this body I thanked him for it. Without it, I would have never met these amazing people I now call family. Without it, I would not have made it to these doors. Without it, I would not encourage others so they can be healthy too. Heavenly Father, thank you for me! Every dip, every curve, every beautiful pound. Thank you for making our challenges our triumphs and our struggles our strengths. YOU ARE SO AWESOME.

The deeper we fall in love with God the more Hes transforming us. He is so amazing. Put on your "son" glasses, it'll change your life! Live in complete freedom!

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