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Velvet 2X4


My heart is heavy. Words. Painful. Mean. Ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, words can healing, sweet and awesome. But, I said something I shouldn't have, in front of people I shouldn't have. Just when I think I got this, Holy Spirit says whoa girl, don't be cray! (Velvet 2x4 to face) I'm going ask forgiveness for all involved. But, I just wanted to say, caution, guard your tounge. The sharpest weapon we have can even hurt "just playing." Father God, thank you. Thank you for showing me what I said was hurtful. I don't always have to be right. Shut my mouth when pride, boasting, or any of those nasty things try to slip out of my mouth. With this tongue I want to praise your name and bring you glory and honor. Period. No buts. Help me Holy Spirit to be slow to speak and quick

to love. Love. Let me love like you love. Help only good and pleasing things come out of my mouth. Forgive me, Lord. I love you. In Jesus name, by the power of the Holy Spirit. On earth as it is in heaven. Amen.💚

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