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Freaked Out!


Hi FAM! Yesterday, I was freaked out and litterally scared. Yes, me. LOL (We'll discuss at group in grater detail) So, God reminded me, who I am and who I'm called to be. FEARLESS! Holy Spirit was teaching something, sometimes he lets things happen so we can learn. What the enemy tries to tear down the Lord will build up! Someone shared a song (Fearless by Jasmine Murray) with me this morning and then this scripture was shared by someone else: Luke 12:22 Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Luke 12: 31-32 But seek his kingdom and these things will be given to you. DO NOT FEAR little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Coincednce? I think not. LOL Hellooooooo McFly! LOL (I say this to myself:) We are the Kings kids! We are covered by Jesus, we are covered in the Lords armour! We have angels fighting for us! Our Father, the King will/ has given us everything we need, physically, spiritually, and mentally, God has no physical, spiritual, mental borders!!! He created this world and time and space. Everything we understand and everything we don't. I need to stop thinking God can be involved in everything but specific instances. Hello?!?! HE'S GOD. He's our Dad! He loves us, he not going to leave us, EVER! He's the author of life, the being and the end! The true King, the only King. The saviour, the Christ. He's breathed life into us! I need to stop putting God in a box. Heavenly Father, thank you. Thank you for letting me be in that dark place so your glory could shine through. Remind us WE ARE you're kids and you have given us POWER! We have the authority to kick the enemy's teeth out! Help us get out of this slave mentality, we're not slaves to sin! Through you, WE ARE OVER COMERS, WE ARE CONQUERORS

! We are royalty! We are strong! We have power! Thank you Jesus! Holy Spirit, bind any thoughts of lies that come into our heads, encourage us with truths. Lies flee now! In Jesus name, by the power Holy Spirit, on earth as it is in heaven, Amen. Love you guys! Look for God, he's there and he's wanting to AMAZE you! Talk to him.

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