Who knew?!
Hi guys. I wanted to share something. I don't know if you knew this, but God healed me from an alchol addiction I didn't even know I had! I stopped drinking all together. Then I was like, maybe I should reintroduce it. BAD idea lol. I had no self control. Thats another story. Only about three months ago I decided, its just not for me, too much temptation and I can't control it, it controls me. Last night I had the oppurtunity to drink and no one would have known. I did not. I was actually able to smell it and not want it. WOW! This is real life. This isn't religion. This didn't happen at church. The real power of God! If you've done something your spirit said, you probably shouldn't have. Don't let the enemy hang guilt over you. Ask God to forgive you. Tell the voices that haunt to leave, in Jesus name. And that's it, start over. God loves us, no matter what! Don't believe anything else or anything someone tells you. You have access to the source. He died to talk to You! He wants to know you. You don't have to do this on your own!